"If you choose to be a hands-on landlord, Mckelvey will accommodate you and work as a team. Patricia always returns your call and thinks out of the box when it comes time for renting space. She has a deep chest of clients that she can call upon when trying to fill retail space."
-Paul S

"Patti McKelvey has been a great resource in helping evaluate the strongest potential uses for my commercial properties since 1998 when she helped me acquire my very first commercial property and still advising me to this day. She always puts your needs ahead of hers. I strongly recommend using her many years of experience if you're looking to buy, sell or lease in not only St. Louis county, St. Charles county but in Kansas City as well."
-Don M.

"I do many transactions with McKelvey Properties and they are handled in a business like manner the experience is always very positive. I have known Patti McKelvey for over 20 years always found her to be ethical and professional."
-Kurt O.

"Mckelvey Properties is a first class real estate agency. We tried to lease our space by owner for a year and failed. Patti Mckelvey and Shari Nevels stepped in and found us a national tenant with in a few weeks.
I couldn't have asked for a more professional firm. Patti and Shari, thank you so much!"
-Tom B.